The Five Bite Diet
The title of this diet seem very interesting. Dieting has always been the hype of weight loss. Do they really work? The Five Bite Diet created by Dr. Alwin Lewis in an effort to fight obesity has turned to nothing more than a fad diet. This diet calls for skipping breakfast and taking five bites of your lunch and dinner. This is a way to keep from counting calories but not a good way to lose weight. Lets look into it a little more.
Healthy Calorie Intake.....
The average daily calorie intake should be around 1500 to 2000 for women and 2000 to 2500 for men. According to the Weight-Control Information Network anyone taking in 800 calories or less should be carefully monitored by a physician. Even though you can lose weight with this low-calorie diet, it's hard to keep the weight off permanently.
Why This Diet is not Healthy .....
The Five Bite Diet lets you consume whatever you want but in small portions. When something sounds too good to be true, it is. Lets say the only thing you decide to eat while on this diet is a burger and fries for lunch and steak and potatoes for dinner. With this you are cheating yourself from eating a healthy balanced meal by taking out the fruits , whole grains and vegetables and throwing yourself into starvation mode.
Gallbladder Issues ......
Rapid weight loss can cause gallstones by skipping meals. The cholesterol in the liver seep into the bile ducts. The average weekly weight loss goal should be around 1 to 2 lbs. For those trying to loss 15 lbs or more in a months time may have already experience gallstones. Some of the symptoms are constant pain in the upper right abdomen, between the shoulder blades and under the right shoulder. Worst symptoms include vomiting, yellow eyes, fevers, and chills. This is the point of seeking emergency care.
A Healthier Way .......
Fad diets have always been a quick solution but an unsafe way to lose weight. Obesity is increasing as food chains are expanding. Here are a few tips to losing weight and changing your lifestyle......
1. Eating six small potions of food a day will help your body turn that fat into more energy. When eating one or twice a day, your body does the opposite by storing the fat for later. This Five Bite Diet recommend that you can eat anything you want. That's not the proper way because most people hate eating diet foods and eating whatever they want and still lose weight is music to the ears. By replacing unhealthy foods with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains you have a better chance at losing the weight and keeping it off.
2. With life being so busy sometimes it's hard to get adequate sleep. During the nightly sleep cycle your body repairs itself. The average adult needs round 7.5 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Without the proper rest weight loss becomes more of a stress. Your body then produces cortisol, which is a stress hormone that is not your friend when it comes down to the love handles.
3. Exercising not only help you lose weight but it helps you to fight some diseases as well. According to the Center for Disease Control over 80 % of American adult doesn't get the recommended amount of exercise. The U.S Government recommends at least 2.5 hours intensity aerobic each week followed by muscle strengthening such as weight lifting at least twice a week. If you're not at least half way there losing weight may be a challenge.
4. Most people forget to take care of their mind. Feeding your mind with great gratitude is a very healthy choice. A mind with a train going through it will only cause damage to the the body as a whole. Your mind is the computer of your body. Learning to find time to meditate and clear your mind should be part of any diet. Here are a few tips....
1. Listen to your mind and body
2. take it slow
3. set realistic goals for weight loss
4. practice mindfulness