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How To Increase Your VO2 Max At Any Age......

The term aging is related to anything that is prone to wear and tear over time. The first thing that comes to mind with this term is the human body. Over time the body starts to set in the stage of frailty. Frailty is an age-associated syndrome that affects the biological body structure physically and mentally leaving most elderly people disabled at some point. 

"You have only one mind and body for the rest of your life. If you aren't taking care of it when you're young, it's like leaving your car in a hailstorm and letting rust eat away at it. If you don't take care of your mind and body now, by the time you're 40 or 50, you'll be like a car that can't go anywhere." 

                                                                                                - Warren Buffett 

Endurance rates in adults who performed less aerobic exercises was less than those in the same age bracket that at least exercised 30 minutes a day. The VO2 max declines by 10% every decade in adults over 30 years old. Continuous aerobic exercise after 30, can reduce that level by 5%. 

VO2 max is maximum rate of oxygen consumption measured during intense exercise. 

How can you increase your VO2 max level? 

  • Aerobic training 

  • Weight loss

  • Breathing techniques 

Training and weight loss is common in increasing endurance. A book written by Patrick Mckeown, shows how breathing techniques are scientifically proven to improve health and VO2 max levels. Holding your breathe for five maximum breathes increases oxygenated red blood cells and increased body oxygen. 


The Ugly Truth

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