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7 Laws of Attractions

What if your deepest desires are really your only calling? What if you released your strongest desire(s) into the universe and it manifested itself? Did you know that the stronger the vibration and the power of the mind can create a reality for you beyond your imagination? Imagination is a strong word and holds a greater purpose then we think. For everyone that ever imagine a life that seem to be out of reach but somehow manifested into reality, are using the power that’s within us all.

When I was a young girl, I imagined my life to be so magical that my imagination was just a fragment of the fairytales I watched while I was a little girl. The white picket fence house and my husband being my knight and shining armor. But guess what none of that came true. If I believed it, why didn’t it come true? There is a difference in imagination and believing it’s already happened and living the moment.

This is only what they call the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that you will attract in your life whatever you want or unwanted by focus of light you give it.

The 7 Laws of Attraction

1. The law of Manifestation

This is the law we are all familiar with and everyone is talking about. I’m sure you have experienced your own manifestation in some sort of way. This law states that whatever you warrant your focus on whether it’s positive or negative will reveal itself sooner or later. The Law of manifestation is used without greater thoughts and is created by feeding your thoughts to manifest your dreams and desires. So be cautious of how you take care of your mind.

2. The Law of Magnetism

If you’re unsure of all the things that has happened in your life but rest assure that energy has a big play in it. The vibrational energy is always in tune at all times. The Law of Magnetism reveals that the vibrational energies we release will reflect back at us like a mirror. Embrace your energetic connection with the universe.

3. The Law of Unwavering Desires

Pure intentions......Cannot be better expressed. Knowing and believing your intentions cannot be a result of fear, doubt, and desperation for this to work for you. You have to know it, belief, and walk the life as if your intent has manifested. Sometimes the universe may not reveal what you expected because your intentions didn’t line up with your desires. Seems like a lot right.... But it actually is simple with a positive mind.

4. The Law of Delicate Balance

This one shouldn’t come as a surprise.... With the changes of sociality, we all can become a little desperate in life. But that desperation will cause an imbalance in getting what we want. Learning to be grateful can release high energy. By living and believing that our desires and dreams are already met will bring great abundance. Feeling of desperation can cause stress, anxiety, and depression. These are all negative feelings towards our intentions. Remember the energy of what you put out is what you get back. Tell yourself “I am Grateful” and watch how the universe see you through.

5. The Law of Harmony

When you are in harmony with the universe it’s the practice of unselfish concern for others. “Do onto others as you would want others to do onto you.” Being in perfect alignment with the universe means being connected with the universes many energy sources. Practice self-forgetfulness and allow your energy to connect with others.

6. The Law of Right Action

The energy we release to the universe is always mirroring back. We have the choice to do right by others or to be a negative influence. No matter what your choice is you will get just what your actions shows. For this law to work you must have good intent towards others by sharing love and positivity. Life can be hard, and expressing those emotions in a negative way can be easily done. We all know the term” It’s easily said than done”, but with learning to right your wrongs and being a positive light for others can bring pure abundance in your journey.

7. The Law of Universal Influence

Energy is the force that drives the influences around us. Being mindful of how we handle business and others around us has an influence on our outcome. The effects of your energy have an influence of negative or positive. Think of it as you're being a role model, your influences can affect someone else's energy via versus.

Releasing powerful intentions is manifested by the attention of your subconscious mind. Releasing good intentions releases dopamine and serotonin, which is the hormones that’s responsible for the pleasures we feel. See our body, mind, and spirit is connected in a unique way that’s so consistent that we can determine whether we have a good or bad life. We are in control more than we think we are, science and the universe has proven that. But science has no room for how we can control our destiny. Science can only prove what’s visible with the naked eye and the law of attraction is manifested by the beliefs and the unseen.

Why others have a better outcome in life with happiness, success, and love? Going back to mind, body, and spirit, our past regressions can be a blockage for our oneness. Keeping us from happiness, success, and love. Can it be changed? Of course, it can, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) which is the neurological and behavior programming that we’ve learned from experiences. So, it’s safe to say reprogramming your thoughts creates a new reality and in return can create a greater self.

Most people are taught not to talk to strangers but did you know that talking to a stranger can actually open the doors to release some tension and is said to bring happiness. While it won’t fill your life with bliss, it will help you to open up and to release your intentions and become more social within. We all are social beings so why not learn to be social with the universe. You believe your car will start when you crank it, do you believe what you put out in the universe will come true?

What if I told you that releasing your intentions to the world right here can create the reality you were waiting for?

Learn More

Now that you’ve learned the 7 Laws of Attractions.......

It’s time to turn over your desires...

1. Know what your intentions are, have clarity

Without knowing what you want, you can’t get what you want. Pure intentions

2. Surrender your greatest desires and act as if it has already manifested.

3. And now let's feel it.... Feel your dreams and desires. Have an intimate relationship with your intentions. And it's okay to feel over joyed.

Caution: Don’t Over Think It: It Becomes Desperation: Allow It to Naturally Flow.......

Surrender Your Desires and Allow Your Energy to Connect with Others


The Ugly Truth

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