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What Drinking Water Can Mean For Your Health.... Legal But Unsafe

Eight glasses a day of water has been the hype but what most don't know is that most bottled water is just as unsafe as tap water. The Government is required to regulate some contaminates found in drinking but not all. The levels are considered safe and passed through inspections. Have you ever wondered why the disease and cancer rates have skyrocketed? Could be the air, food, and water we drink.

According to EPA Web Archive, The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) was signed into law in 1974, and reauthorized in 1996, to ensure public health protection through compliance by public water systems with federal drinking water standards, including all monitoring and reporting requirements. The law also placed increased emphasis on providing the public information about the quality of their drinking water.

The 1996 amendments require systems to report their water quality annually to their customers (Consumer Confidence Reports) and EPA to produce the National Public Water Systems Compliance Report, which summarizes and evaluates the annual reports submitted by primacy agencies to EPA. It focuses on community water systems (serving year round populations at their primary residences) non-transient non-community systems and transient non-community water systems whether they are above ground or underground sources. Finally, the SWDA requires EPA to establish permitting requirements for State underground injection control programs.

With the regulation in place the water system still fail to rid the water of hundreds of harmful contaminates. Normally if the EPA decides not to regulate a contaminate, a public advisory would be issued to the public. Lets take a closer look at what you're drinking.......

#1. Chlorite which long exposures causes Anemia in children and infant as well as nervous system damage.

#2. Chlorine which is an additive used to control microbes in water but can cause stomach discomfort. And birth defects.

#3. Antimony which causes increase in blood cholestrol and decrease in blood sugar levels.

#4. Bromate which has an increase in cancers.

#5. Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs) which at high levels causes liver, kidney, and increase cancer issues.

There are many more that can be fatal overtime. Check it out EPA

Bottles water seem to be the escape plan from tap water. The FDA regulates bottled water and the standards are lower than those of the EPA because it doesn't go through the plumbing system. A lab test done on bottle water has exposed 38 contaminates that will cause health problems such Arsenic and Bromate. The FDA allow these by products at what is considered safe levels. The real question is " How do you protect yourself from the unknown?"

The Solution.........

After research only one well known company comes to mind. Berkey water filtration systems provide clean and pure water. The system has indoor and outdoor systems to maximize the protection. The Berkey System removes viruses, harmful pathogenic bacteria, cysts, parasites, pesticides, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, unhealthy contaminants. Compared to bottled water and tap water investing in this system is worth every penny.



The Ugly Truth

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