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Is "Easter" A Pagan Holiday Or A "Christian" Holiday?

Forthcoming of Easter has a long history. The story was first brought over to America by German immigrants. The bible shows to evidence of Easter bunnies and eggs. Jesus 12 disciples never talked about any such story. Where did Easter comes from?

According to sources, the Easter bunny arrived in America in the early 1700's. The German called these celebrations " Osterhase" or " Oschter Haws". Later America adopted what they call "Easter".

Easter is celebrated on Sunday in the spring and is considered to be a Christian holiday. Most people including some Christian's consider Easter to be a pagan holiday and therefore they do not celebrate. Though most of the Christian community connects it to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The eggs represents the new life. While every religion has its beliefs and reasons of celebration, it leaves no room for judgement. 

History of Easter all in one....

 8th Century B.C

During the 8th century the Israelites were released from slavery in  Egypt. The Israelites kills all of the Egyptian first born sons and animals. This is the coming of the "Passover", which is celebrated yearly by the Jewish community. 

Circa 30 A.D

Jesus and his disciples go to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover and his was crucified by the romans.

325 A.D

The council of Nicea, decided that Easter is to be celebrated after the spring equinox. The date that Easter falls on is determined by the lunar calendar. The decision by the romans broke the Easter tradition causing the Passover and Easter to be on separate dates but they still aligned perfectly.  

13th Century

During this period, eggs were only eaten on Easter day and forbidden on any other day due to Lent season. Lent season begins on Ash Wednesday and is a season of grief and ends with a celebration of Easter. 

18th Century

Easter tradition spread to the U.S from the German immigrants. The tradition included colored eggs, baskets, chocolates,  and gifts. The egg-laying process represents new life and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. 


The Ugly Truth

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