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Children Over Dosing On Deadly Drugs

Are we drug peddling parents? Are we giving our children death in the palm of our hands as a sweet surprise? I believe we know sugar isn’t good for our children. However, do we really know how bad it is for them? Let’s briefly discuss a relevant issue of sugar, health, and the attack on our children. Before we begin please note that the amount of physical and mental disruption to the proper functioning of the human biological system, caused by the excessive consumption of sugar, should be deemed an epidemic.

The avenue to liberation is through education. When an unnatural substance enters a natural environment, things will eventually if not immediately go awry. Now let’s take this actual fact and expand on it by exposing an ugly truth about sugar. With no exceptions living things are composed of atoms and molecules within aqueous solutions (solutions that have materials dissolved in water). In other words, with water life is possible, yet without it life is impossible. Let’s look at a few facts; 20% of the water in the body is within the blood plasma, heart and brain are both 73% water, lungs are 83%, muscles and kidneys are 79%, skin is 64%, and bones are around 31%. This validates the importance of water to the human system. Compound sugars (lactose, maltose, and sucrose) are made from combining two monosaccharide molecules, this fusion excludes water. The formula for this molecular structure (sugar) is:

2 × C6 H12 O6 – H2O = C12 H22 O11 (Sugar)

Scientifically speaking, sugar is a natural enemy to our bodies.

In 2015 WHO (World Health Organization) published new recommended guidelines, saying only 5% of daily caloric intake should be from sugars. Infants and young adults obtain more than 16% of their daily caloric intake from added sugars, over three times the daily requirement suggested by WHO. This epidemic level of sugar consumption leaves our children suffering from unnecessary life-long symptoms. Child acid reflux cases as well as child onset diabetes are growing only because we have lost the drive to govern our children’s diet. Allowing them to consume sugar from the time of their birth, (formula milk) which leads to a life of excessive sugar consumption. For example, we allow our children to consume dairy products (lactose), which requires twice as much digestion (over working the digestive system). Dairy products are highly acidic, which is the opposite of alkaline. Child acid reflux cases are not on the rise because our children are coming into this world with this digestive malady. This is the direct result of the excessive consumption of sugar, which facilitates an acidic body environment, allowing diseases to infiltrate and take hold, (remain cognizant that no disease can exist in a true alkaline environment).

Sugar sets an imbalance between the child’s good and bad bacteria, directly compromising the vitality of their immune system. This means that with each soda and piece of candy we permit our children to consume we are further indicted in the destruction of their overall health… REMEMBER, OUR HEALTH IS OUR WEALTH!!!

Sugar also directly produces cold like symptoms in our children. Such as; chronic runny nose, excessive mucus, coughing, and sinus reactions. Not to mention poor appetites and the age-old tummy ache.

It’s an actual fact that sugar directly destroys our children by overworking their vital organs and digestive system, as well as many other life threatening effects. Even with the overwhelming evidence pointing a foul finger at added sugars, the giant companies continue to prey on our beautiful children with their deadly drug. The Environmental Working Group reported that children cereal has an alarming 40% more added sugars than adult cereal, is this not a direct assault against our innocent children? They have succeeded in introducing our unsuspecting children to this toxic drug while capitalizing financially on their addiction. Let us collectively rescue our children from the life-long symptoms caused by the ugly disease of sugar addiction.


A little more food for thought...?...

Yes, fruit are packed with sugar. Yet this sugar is a natural sugar which our pancreas is well equipped to handle (unlike crystallized sugar). Not to mention that fruit are packed with nutrients...

Ketchup comes with a grand total of 12g per tbsp.

Fats (triglycerides) are a non-polar covalent bonded molecule (lacking water). Making fats and added sugars brothers. No wonder they both perform the same deadly functions.

ADD/ADHD have been proven to be a direct result of added sugar

A recent study proved that a lower sugar load improves short-term memory and attention span. Physiology & Behavior Journal 2007


1. Agave nectar

2. Barbados sugar

3. Barley malt

4. Barley malt syrup

5. Beet sugar

6. Brown sugar

7. Buttered syrup

8. Cane juice

9. Cane juice crystals

10. Cane sugar

11. Caramel

12. Carob syrup

13. Castor sugar

14. Coconut palm sugar

15. Coconut sugar

16. Confectioner's sugar

17. Corn sweetener

18. Corn syrup

19. Corn syrup solids

20. Date sugar

21. Dehydrated cane juice

22. Demerara sugar

23. Dextrin

24. Dextrose

25. Evaporated cane juice

26. Free-flowing brown sugars

27. Fructose

28. Fruit juice

29. Fruit juice concentrate

30. Glucose

31. Glucose solids

32. Golden sugar

33. Golden syrup

34. Grape sugar

35. HFCS (High-Fructose Corn Syrup)

36. Honey

37. Icing sugar

38. Invert sugar

39. Malt syrup

40. Maltodextrin

41. Maltol

42. Maltose

43. Mannose

44. Maple syrup

45. Molasses

46. Muscovado

47. Palm sugar

48. Panocha

49. Powdered sugar

50. Raw sugar

51. Refiner's syrup

52. Rice syrup

53. Saccharose

54. Sorghum Syrup

55. Sucrose

56. Sugar (granulated)

57. Sweet Sorghum

58. Syrup

59. Treacle

60. Turbinado sugar

61. Yellow sugar


The Ugly Truth

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